Learn to earn

Make money from home using just a few simple steps!!! Learn how today!

Wouldn't you like to make $10k a month??

Would wouldn't like to make $10k or more a month!! Well you can!!! Just find out how today! I do it from home from the computer and so can you!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Making Money from home


"If you're serious about wanting to make money at home, you won't find a better guide than Partow's newest home-based business book. The personal creator of a dozen different income sources, Partow writes primarily for married women of faith who still have children at home. However, the design of the book is such that men and women at all stages of life can benefit from this step-by-step guide to making money at home in a global economy. At the end of each chapter are questions that will clarify issues and determine the direction of your business. There are also assignments that will enable you to lay a business foundation in bite-size chunks. The book is full of practical ideas like the innovative ABC filing system. It simplifies techniques so you can stay on the cutting edge of the technology and opportunities that will keep your business growing." --CBA Retailers + Resources, April, 2010

Product Description

In tough economic times, conventional jobs can be hard to find. A home-based business could be the answer for many people. Making Money from Home compares the cost of working outside the home with the benefits of working from home. It provides readers with the tools they need to run a successful home business, such as time management advice, details on the foundations of a solid business, tips on marketing goods and services, legal issues to consider, and information on how to use the Internet effectively and how to create a business plan.

Homemade success never tasted so good!

Would you like to earn money in your own home? How about starting with your very own business consultant? Learn from Donna Partow, a 20-year home-based business owner and best-selling author. She’s created an extensive how-to guide for starting and maintaining a successful new business. Donna provides step-by-step instructions on determining what type of business is right for you, creating a business plan, identifying what legal issues to expect, mastering time management skills, using the Internet effectively, and much more.

Starting your own business takes courage. Maintaining it takes hard work and good advice. With Donna’s help, you can run a successful home-based business. It’s not only possible, it’s profitable too!

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